Run Skateboard Co.

Run Skateboard Co. is a collaboration of skateboarders with a passion for skateboarding and creativity. Using skateboarding as a way to portray a positive message and make an impact in the world we live in.

Recycled Shreddables. Why does this matter to us? Every year the average person throws away 81 pounds of clothing, if this doesn’t bother you it should and it bothers us. We want to create high quality products from reused clothing. By using clothing that is outdated and forgotten we want to bring these articles back into circulation in a fresh new way. Even though we are small we want out impact make a dent in landfills around the world.

Fair Shreddables. Why fair? The fashion world today exist to give the cheapest low cost clothing now, its trendy today and outdated tomorrow. We forget about the people what make the clothing and support their poor living standards and cruel working conditions for a cheep hoodie. We want this to stop, every new shirt or clothing article is from a fair wear brand that the money goes to make an impact and better their lives.

Skateboard Co. Why skateboarding. We are skateboarders through and through and this is our culture. We want to make a difference in the world we live in and invest in the shredders of tomorrow. Our dream is not only to have fair and recycled shreddables but to have fair boards as well as time goes on.

For more up to date information follow us on instagram @runskateboardco and to buy products click here.